Nga Panui CCTV: Kei te puku o Uropi a Hungari me nga painga matawhenua ahurei.Ko te Haina-EU Trade and Logistics Cooperation Park kei Budapest, te whakapaipai o Hungary, i whakapumautia i te marama o Noema 2012. Koia te tuatahi o te tauhokohoko me te arorau ki tawahi ohaoha me te tauhokohoko i hangaia e Haina i Uropi.

Ko te Haina-Europe Pakihi me te Logistics Park e whakamahi ana i te tikanga hanga "kotahi rohe me nga papa maha", tae atu ki te Bremen Logistics Park i Tiamana, te Port of Cappella Logistics Park i Hungary, me te Watts E-commerce Logistics Park i Hungary. mahi e-tauhokohoko whakawhiti-rohe.
I kii a Gauso Balazs, Perehitini o Haina-Europe Business Cooperation Logistics Park: "Kua tino pukumahi matou ina tata nei, he maha nga mahi.Kua haumihia e matou te 27 piriona ngahere (tata ki te 540 miriona yuan) ki nga whare putunga hou.He pakihi tino nui te hokohoko ki a matou, a ko te nuinga o a matou taonga i ahu mai i te e-tauhokohoko."
I kii a Gauso Balazs, Perehitini o Haina-EU Trade and Logistics Cooperation Park, ko te kaupapa "One Belt, One Road" a Haina e tino hono ana ki te rautaki "Opening to the East" a Hungary.I runga i tenei ahuatanga kei te tipu tonu te tipu me te whakawhanaketanga o te Haina-EU Trade and Logistics Cooperation Park..I enei wa, ka nui ake nga taonga e uru mai ana ki te maakete a EU ma Hungary ma nga tereina Haina-Europe, e whakatairanga ana i te mahi ohaoha me te hokohoko i waenga i a Haina me nga whenua Pakeha.
Te wa tuku: Mei-14-2024